
9. Boys fix things (for fun)

I have a tv in my room. For the first three weeks it did not work though. This is because I need a cable splitter (which who actually knows what that is?) and even then there are technical difficulties in my newly acquired room that Kyle forgot to mention before I moved into his old room. I have not been looking forward to going to best buy, having to ask someone (and admit my incompetence) what a cable splitter is and then try to figure out how to do whatever it is you are supposed to do with it and then program the tv. (do you even program a tv?) I opted instead for procrastination.. (I mean I have to study for school, hang out with friends, and do other important things... like playing bejewled?)

I went out of town this weekend. While I was gone I received a text message from Trey that read "I am sitting on your bed right now watching tv". Oh. My. Gosh. I didn't even ask him to help me with it!

I think he was overwhelmed with how excited and grateful I was. Infact he even said "you are going to have to stop thanking me"... This might be because we looked at the task completely different. I looked at it about as exciting as counting blades of grass in the lawn (which would have probably taken me as long to do as figuring out the tv situation) and Trey looked at is as a challenge to figure out while he was bored.

Moral of the story? When living with boys you should always procrastinate "playing" with electronics.

1 comment:

  1. I know what a splitter is -post living with boys. And it probably didn't take more than 10 min for Trey to fix.
