
14. Brotherhood really does exist

And I am not talking about the brotherhood between two siblings. I am talking about the brotherhood that exists naturally between any two guys in a room.

Let me set the scene:
We are in the Master's computer lab with a bunch of people from our program. Trey is in the back of the room next to Logan. I remember that it was Logan's birthday the past weekend.

Mallory: Hey Logan- happy birthday!
Trey: You are just now wishing him happy birthday?
Mallory: I wrote on his facebook wall?
Trey: Oh yea? While you were in Disney? I wrote on his wall ON his birthday
Logan: That's right.. he did.

Conversation over.

Nearly twenty-four hours goes by and I am standing in the doorway to Trey's room.

Trey: Hey Mallory? You know how yesterday I told you that I wrote on Logan's facebook wall?
Mallory: Yea
Trey: I didn't wish Logan happy birthday. I didn't write on his wall. I didn't even wish him happy birthday after we talked about it.
Mallory: Really?
Trey: Yea, Logan just covered for me.


13. If you wear glasses and a retainer expect to get laughed at

Boys don't care if you are as blind as a bat or if you want to keep your teeth straight.

I had gotten all ready for bed and had to go into the hall to tell my two roommates something. I didn't think much of going to talk to them with my glasses on and my retainer in. Maybe I should have. The two of them couldn't stop laughing at me for a good thirty minutes. But then again, I guess they would laugh harder if my teeth became crooked and I ran into random objects around the house.


12. Batteries and Ragu are a fair trade

Boys aren't concerned with exact equity.

Trey bought me batteries for my remote for my TV. (I know, I know, I am spoiled rotten.. I get it) When I came home I asked him how much they were. Naturally I didn't want him to think that I was going to just take advantage of him and have him buy me things without paying him back. He informed me that it didn't matter; He had been eating my Ragu. (And also some blueberry pomegranate juice) Interesting. I mean, I have never lived in a house that is so yours/mine/ours. Most things are shared here and I really do believe that over a year it will probably all come out even.

This concept is refreshing for two reasons.

The first reason is that this is the first year that I haven't had to keep a running total of who owed who what. I sometimes felt as though the elaborate accounting system of my house was more complicated than my accounting classes in school. I won't have to constantly keep small bills around to trade back and forth (more like monopoly money) with my roommates.

The second reason is that I didn't feel to guilty yesterday when I stole two of Kyle's fresh cut veggies and dipped them in the humus in the fridge.... yea, I think I can get used to this.

11. You are never too old to buy yourself a poohbear stuff animal

Kyle at Disney World. (enough said).

10. Cockroaches are only gross if you think they are gross

I had to do laundry in the middle of the night. (not by choice.. but that should possibly be its own blog). I am already not happy to have to do laundry at 2am, but it is essential to sleep. I go to open the laundry room door and out crawls two cockroaches. I was then terrified to have to go back into the dark kitchen and dark laundry room to move my sheets into the dryer. My solution? Put on my rainboots and then complain and whine about the nasty bugs. (I am not going to mention the ones in the garage).

Trey: Am I going to have to do EVERYTHING for you? (see post number 9)
Mallory: No. Cockroaches are just gross.
Trey: They are only gross if you think they are gross.

Guess what? I think they are gross. This concept might work for boys though.

...This is why I went to the store and bought their entire stock of roach repellent/killer/defumers/nest killers today.

9. Boys fix things (for fun)

I have a tv in my room. For the first three weeks it did not work though. This is because I need a cable splitter (which who actually knows what that is?) and even then there are technical difficulties in my newly acquired room that Kyle forgot to mention before I moved into his old room. I have not been looking forward to going to best buy, having to ask someone (and admit my incompetence) what a cable splitter is and then try to figure out how to do whatever it is you are supposed to do with it and then program the tv. (do you even program a tv?) I opted instead for procrastination.. (I mean I have to study for school, hang out with friends, and do other important things... like playing bejewled?)

I went out of town this weekend. While I was gone I received a text message from Trey that read "I am sitting on your bed right now watching tv". Oh. My. Gosh. I didn't even ask him to help me with it!

I think he was overwhelmed with how excited and grateful I was. Infact he even said "you are going to have to stop thanking me"... This might be because we looked at the task completely different. I looked at it about as exciting as counting blades of grass in the lawn (which would have probably taken me as long to do as figuring out the tv situation) and Trey looked at is as a challenge to figure out while he was bored.

Moral of the story? When living with boys you should always procrastinate "playing" with electronics.


8. Girls give more details

I have recently enjoyed sharing stories with Trey. This is a typical thing for girls to do. They go to coffee or lunch or dinner with eachother and share life stories. We call this bonding. Boys on the other hand share their "stories" on a very quick and need-to-know basis.

The three of us went out of town for various reasons. When we came back we all shared our weekend "stories". Although mine was no where near as eventful, the story lasted maybe 6 times longer. I shared who wore what and who said what and who felt what about what. I think the guys could tell you a play-by-play of the entire weekend. (possibly because it took them at least an hour to hear its entirety) I also then continued to share more bits and pieces (if there was anything even to share left) for the remainder of the week.

Don't get me wrong. The guys shared their weekend too. It just went more along the lines of: How was your weekend? Good. Did you makeout with anyone? Yes. Cool.

This then brings us to the current weekend.

Mallory: Goodnight Trey!
Trey: Goodnight Mallory, have fun in Orlando
Mallory: I will! And I'll tell you all about it when I get back
Trey: Oh.. I'm sure you will.....


7. Pull up bars are manly. They aren't meant to be a swing.

The hallway that leads to our bedrooms is decorated with a pullup bar. Both guys can do a pull up to when the time is right (which means there is someone they want to impress OR I am telling a boring story and they would rather at least be doing something productive while listening)

I can't even do one pull up. I can jump up and then hold myself up (sortof). I do however like that bar. I like to hold on the the bar and swing. I think it is fun (and I am sure there is so sort of arm work out I am doing when I swing on the bar.

The guys don't like that I use the bar as a swing.

Kyle: Mallory, you take all the manliness out of the bar when you swing on it. It is not a playground.

... said the boy who bought a poohbear (see post number eleven)


6. Girls say "Will you please help me?", Boys say "Do you want some?"

I was eating mushrooms while talking to Trey at the table. Trey snacked on a couple while we were sharing our wedding stories from the weekend.

Mallory: Will you please help me finish these?
Trey: See, now thats something boys never say. They just say "Hey, do you want some?"

5. Brown and brown are okay to wear together- Hey its not brown and black right?

I came into the kitchen to see kyle making eggs. (Yes, some boys do cook.. and Kyle is absolutely amazing at it) He is about to go to school in brown cargo shorts and a brown tshirt that is only about a shade darker than his shorts. Mind you, the boy probably owns enough tshirts to supply a Goodwill.

Mallory: You aren't going to wear brown and brown to school Kyle...
Kyle: I guess not now... People did comment on that last time I wore this outfit too.

Really? This is a second time offense?

4. It is more important to spend money on a DVR than on air conditioning

Trey asked me what temperature I like to keep the air conditioning at. Of course I told him that I don't REALLY care. (I know that it is very expensive to air condition a house verses the apartment that I am used to). He continued to explain that Kyle likes to keep the air at 80 degrees but he likes to keep the air at 78 and he wanted to know whose side I would be on.

I am initially awed by the fact that they can fight over two degrees. I feel as though a compromise of 79 degrees is the obvious solution. My second reaction is an internal mental panic that BOTH of these temperatures are 6-10 degrees warmer than I used to keep my apartment when living with girls. (Granted, it was a small apartment and not a whole house and thus the electricity cost is not as high.)

Trey explained that Kyle just really didn't like spending money on electricity.

But don't worry. We have a TV the size of a small movie screen, DVR, a million chanels, Xbox, Playstation, Rockband (including a drumset), and more video games than you would imagine.

3. Anything can be made into a sexual induendo

Kyle. (enough said)