
50. Can't find the veggies? look in the vegetable drawer

Every week I buy a bag of carrots. What? I like carrots. I have always assumed that Kyle eats my carrots too. It's not like Trey would touch carrots unless he was absolutely starving. Not that I mind because I know everything evens out in the end (see post 12).

Earlier this week I bought 3 peaches. One for monday, one for tuesday, and one for wednesday. On wednesday I could not find my last peach. Sure Kyle would eat out of my huge bags of carrots without needing to ask, but a peach? That just doesn't sound as likely. I begin my quest to tear about the refrigerator to find my lost peach.

I eventually did find the peach. In the vegetable drawer.... with 5 bags of half eaten carrots. Of course I never look in the vegetable drawer because "I didn't put it there".

Girls are so different. The last four years of college I have always had my shelf in the cabinet and my shelf in the refrigerator. With boys? We just throw everything in any way that they fit. Our organization is basically shot. Of course it makes more sense to put the carrots in the vegetable drawer... it would just never have crossed my mind since thats where "kyle puts his food".

It seems that girls are more "separate but equal" while guys tend to be fully integrated. Is there a right way to organize the refrigerator? Probably not. Just know to check for your carrots in the vegetable drawer.

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