
46. Driving is just a game

When I have driven with girls we talk about our day, where we are driving to, what's going on in out lives, gossip about other people, or maybe even jam out to a song. I have never had a girlfriend comment or compliment me on a "good move" in reference to driving. Boys? They talk about the "game of driving".

There are several ways to get from campus to our house. A few backroads, multiple ways to get to the backroads, a highway that is alittle out of the way but sometimes faster... you get the idea.

The three of us were in the car. Kyle was driving. He saw a break in the oncoming traffic and took a rather quick left down a side street.

Trey: Ahh good call!
Kyle: I know, right? I just saw that one coming.
Trey: Good move.

They then spent the rest of the car ride talking strategy. Driving strategy. Really?

Maybe this is why they never let me drive.


  1. Ughhhh I hate boys in cars (when I'm driving of course). I make boys always drive because I am apparently "too safe" for their tastes.

    Thanks for making a great BEC study break!

  2. So I just noticed the link to this off Wilkins blog and read the whole thing... thanks for thoroughly entertaining me at work for a while =]

  3. Same as Jessica! I'm an alum and have been enjoying reading Wilkin's posts and came over here to see what this one was all about. I read the entire thing.

    As someone that lived with a friend that was a girl in school and then two girls when I moved to Chicago, I can totally relate! These are great!

  4. This is a hilarious blog
