
46. Driving is just a game

When I have driven with girls we talk about our day, where we are driving to, what's going on in out lives, gossip about other people, or maybe even jam out to a song. I have never had a girlfriend comment or compliment me on a "good move" in reference to driving. Boys? They talk about the "game of driving".

There are several ways to get from campus to our house. A few backroads, multiple ways to get to the backroads, a highway that is alittle out of the way but sometimes faster... you get the idea.

The three of us were in the car. Kyle was driving. He saw a break in the oncoming traffic and took a rather quick left down a side street.

Trey: Ahh good call!
Kyle: I know, right? I just saw that one coming.
Trey: Good move.

They then spent the rest of the car ride talking strategy. Driving strategy. Really?

Maybe this is why they never let me drive.

45. It's all about outsmarting the rat

A good sunday group activity consists of catching a rat.

For a week the boys have tried nonstop to catch the rat. They have rigged every type of rat trap possibly imaginable. Some have cheese, some use peanut butter, some have trap doors, some use sticky tape, and some are the classic stick and box combo. I don't actually know what any of these traps look like because since the last rat spotting I have completely avoided the garage. But I have heard about each trap in more details than I ever wanted.

When one comes home they immediately run to the garage and then report the verdict to the other. I am not sure I have seen the two of them so excited about anything before. (I also am not sure if I have seen Kyle scream like a girl before). "OH! OH! THE RAT GOT THE CHEESE AND GOT AWAY!" You would think this rat is a rocket scientist- smarter than TWO grad students. (maybe rats should be doing tests on boys... maybe this rat already is)

Call me strange, but I think going to walmart and buying a $10 rat trap might be a more efficient way of catching the rat. (or you know, calling an exterminator?) It would probably even be a cheaper method too if you consider how much cheese the two have wasted. But as Kyle has said "At this point I want to just be able to have the accomplishment of doing it myself."

This sunday they finally caught the rat. I don't know, nor do I want to know details, but the rat might not have been 100% dormant when caught. That means that Kyle, Trey, Brian, and Madison all had to go into the garage armed with boots and an airsoft gun to properly take care of the rat situation. You would have thought they were hunting tigers. I have never seen that group so excited or animated about anything (except the time they were trying to name all of the NFL teams).

Which leads me to the question: How many boys does it take to trap a rat?

44. All you need is a good workout plan and a protein shake

Kyle. (enough said)

43. Boys take long showers too

Yes, I feel as though I point out many of the common differences between guys and girls. It does surprise me though when our house breaks the average stereotypes.

Trey takes long showers. And I mean REALLY long showers.

A fairly normal conversation in our house consists of the following:
Kyle: Hey, you are you guys ready to go?
Trey: Yea, let me take a shower real quick
Kyle: You don't need to shower! That will take 20 minutes.

He isn't kidding. Trey was about to take a self declared "fast shower". I was sitting at my computer and decided that I would time this "fast shower". 17 minutes later he emerged.

Mallory: Trey- that was a fast shower?
Trey: Yea, wasn't it?
Mallory: Sure, if you call 17 minutes fast...
Trey: Really!?
Mallory: Seriously, I shower faster than you do
Trey: Well, I had to shave

Guess what? I have to shave my legs in the shower! (more area to cover than his face) I do realize that when it comes down to it I might not actually want to know why his showers are so long.

42. Boys don't need instructions

Since I've lived here I have seen Trey build a desk, put in a ceiling fan, magically fix the internet/cable/dvr/random electronics that I don't know what they do, fix a car, and install a light switch.

My toilet was leaking. (No, I did not clog it- thanks kyle) but some rubber piece inside was old and needed to be replaced. (No, I did not figure this out myself) By now I have the routine down... "Hey Trey? The _____ isn't working...." He was able to look at it and instantly figure out that some rubber piece inside was old and needed to be replaced. He then went to the store and bought whatever rubber piece he needed and the proceeded to explain to me the innerworkings of a toilet. (which I could honestly careless about.. I just wanted my toilet to work) I honestly did listen though, while at the same time thinking "how in the world did he actually know this?" (girls can multitask- remember?) Is it possible that guys and girls are programmed that differently?

I honestly wasn't too disappointed when I had to leave, and Trey was satisfied enough with my new found knowledge of a toilet.

Trey: Mallory, you could actually do this yourself. It comes with instructions.

Really? So basically you are saying that I need instructions in order to fix a toilet but you are somehow born with a mental set of instructions for this kind of stuff? I hate to break it to you, but I don't think I could have fixed it even WITH instructions.