
40. Always be prepared for a practical joke

I am normally responsible. Unfortunately I left a very important letter that I needed to apply for the CPA exam on my desk when I went home for the break. I asked Kyle if he could mail it to me in San Antonio... Of course, being the good roommate that he is, he did.

I was anxiously awaiting the mail to come in and the second it did I threw the letter into my application folder and drove to the post office. I was standing in line at the post office when, as an after thought, I decided that maybe I should check the envelope. My past girl roommates would have sent a nice little note that said "Miss you!" or "Hope you are having a good break". Just maybe my boy roommate had done the same thing.

When I opened the envelope I found a condom and a note that said "Be Safe".

I am standing at the post office.

I literally almost sent the Certified Public Accountancy Board a condom and a note that said "Be Safe." All I can say? Lesson learned.


  1. What a sweet and thoughtful gesture - guy style... I was just imagining the legendary impact that particular envelope insert would have on the rather boring days of processing applications in that office:)

  2. Can you even imagine - this is like the funniest thing ever? Thanks for making becker enjoyable with this little story!
