... or at least differently.
I hate stereotyping like that. I am not one of those girls that goes to the gym in full make up, jewelery, and barely breaks a sweat. I try to get 3-5 workouts in the gym and I push myself each time (always adding time or speed to the treadmill). I can workout on the elliptical for an hour at a time and I even take the "body blaster" weight class.
Boys are different. I worked out with Kyle today. That really means that I worked out and he counted/motivated/pushed me. (Turns out we actually have a gym in our garage- which I never knew until a few weeks ago since I have always been too afraid of roaches and rats to venture into the garage.) If what we did today was a work-out, then I have never actually worked out before in my life. Girls just don't push themselves to tears I guess...
The other thing I noticed is that we are motivated differently. Girls motivate themselves by thinking of bathing suit season, the neighbor's perfect abs (shout out to Katie), that little black dress you want to wear to a wedding it two weeks, the new crush, or the ex's new girlfriend. I know I am not alone in this because every weightwatchers, Jenny Craig, Trimspa, Nutrisystem commercial is based around the same concepts.
This is not the aproach Kyle used to motivate me while doing wall squats:
Kyle: Mallory- Keep going!
Mallory: I...I... Can't....
Kyle: There are people out there in way worse pain. People who are in pain for days. You are only in pain for five minutes (okay, thats an exaggeration. I only did wall squats for 1.5 minutes, but it felt like eternity)
The funny thing is I am never actually motivated by other people's pain. I mean, there are people starving all around the world but that never exactly motivates me to skip dinner. Does that actually work for guys? There is almost a sensitive side to that...
I am going to see if when "that time of the month" rolls around again if Kyle will suddenly feel for me and pick up my chores around the house..