
37. Need girl advice? read a magazine

When girls need advice they talk to their family. They tell their life stories to their friends. They gossip to neighbors. They chat politely with people on the street, in line, at the store, etc. I would say that girl's lives are more like an open book. Not that guys cant be open too.. it's just that you actually have to ask.

Trey and I were sitting around (it seems like many blog posts start this way) and we realized that neither of us knew exactly what classes Kyle was taking, which is a fairly normal roommate thing to know. Granted the guys knew not only what classes I had, but who I sat next to in class, the homework I was assigned each day, the professors and what weird thing they said that day. (Yes, girls give more details see post 8). The difference though is that I volunteered this information. Kyle would gladly tell me.. if I asked.

How does this relate to girl advice? well, guys don't exactly ask for advice the way girls do. (they find it in other ways- like magazines, or guess and check?) This might relate to how they also don't ask for directions.

For the holidays the boys bought me a Cosmo magazine. (they also got me a Jamba Juice gift card and a massage, and although thats REALLY cute, it is not relevant to the post) The justification for the magazine? Because, since I live with boys- I need a magazine to get girl advice.

Little do they know that I get more advice on my clothes, hair, dating, flirting, mannerisms, and habits than I did when I lived with girls.

...Oh yea, and I have now caught both guys reading Cosmopolitan at separate times....

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